the 15 miles from bellingham to byrness passed with relative ease.
oh wait. no, not quite.
we managed to make the first serious detour from the route, heading straight down of a hill (as shown in the trailblazer guide) rather than bearing left (as shown on maps).
we also had another incredibly frustrating bog hopping session before the final descent through the forest to byrness. if i never see another bog again it'll be too soon.
we also got swarmed by midges and rained on at our lunch stop. once again i was forced to dwell on how much the midges love me and how much i hate them.
then when we got to byrness the place that was proclaimed to serve drinks and light bites daily in the summer was closed.
luckily said place was run by a magical tea lady who welcomed us in regardless, made us tea and sat us in front of a warm fire, made us wonderful sandwiches (in fact, sandwiches like you'd make at home, it's amazing the perspective that >200 miles gives you on the simplest things) and then followed it all up with cake. i had a piece of a 'herman' cake. google it. very tasty.
well rested we headed off to chew green, an historic roman camp about 5 miles on from byrness to wild camp. this meant that the final 27 miler was reduced to 22. it also meant we just pitched in a pouring rain shower despite being teased (once again) with the beginnings of a second awesome sunset:
oh well, one day to go!
jin x
137.5 miles down...