

day 5: dr beeching...

i've often been heard joining the crowds in talking about the atrocities of dr beeching's line closures.

today i found myself strangely grateful for them. see, the thing is that trains like to run fairly straight and fairly flat, and this makes old lines perfect candidates when sustrans are looking to put nice new tarmac down for cyclists.

we started off (with about -10 seconds to spare) catching a ferry from dunnoon this morning:

and with the sun shining, set off around the coast to largs, with stunning views of aaron ever present on the now bizzarly flat horizon:

from ardrosan we picked up ncn 73 which took us, mostly on that beautiful smooth tarmac you're probably starting to get fed up of hearing about, on some of those old railway lines I mentioned, all the way to kilmarnock where I actually ate a full meal for lunch (something i've so far been to scared to do because it often makes me feel icky, it didn't make me feel icky today.)

from there it was undulating b roads most of the way to abington, scotland's highest village, apparently.

it was actually quite fun having regular changes in gradients to play on, though by the time we reached the slog that is ncn 74 i think i was certainly ready for old railway lines again. but at least the was a pretty/atmospheric sky...

today's data:
94.4 miles
5107ft (?) of ascent
7h 04m 10s peddling/ferry time
13.4mph (?) average speed - strava is having a moment but I think it was something like this...

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