woke up this morning to the sound of pouring rain. bad times. this is what i've been dreading! luckily it help off long enough to pack off, and then mostly for the rest of the day actually!
i was mostly ok today. shoulders are definitely feeling it. and I got my first blister. but apart from that I mostly managed to keep on smiling!
best view of the day:
... 5 headlands, all covered today!
worst view:
the headland about three after the last photo, from the one we were on. you may just be able to make out two tiny specks near the end of the path, those are people. in between us and them was a bloody long path down, then a bloody steep one back up!
that's when the near gale force winds kicked in. we battled on, but gave in about a mile before we planned, when we found the loveliest lady ever who let us camp in her garden. and fed us tea. and scones!
jin x
about 14 miles, 27 total, roughly 30,000 steps (i'd imagine, my pedometer didn't want to work today)
first blister = ouch, hope you're not getting too many. that headland = savage. tea, and scones = yum! i'm even a little jealous of that part! x