

where we'll be and when

i made a new page!

it contains details of where we'll be passing each day, where we're staying or planning on pitching, how much distance we'll be covering in total and per day in both miles and kms for those out there who prefer those (are there those out there that prefer kms?)

the astute among you will motice that this totals 575 miles, not the previously advertised 630. i've based this all on some gps tracks for the coastpath which i downloaded from some nice website or other (the bad blogger in me has forgotton which one - if you happen to know please speak up and i'll give credit where it's due!) and that's the distance they total.

where the other 55 miles have gone is a mistery to me! however i'd be happy if they stay missing frankly.

please go and check it out if you're thinking of joining at any point - the link is in the shiny new tabs bar, at the top of the page, so it'll be easy to find all the time!

i need sleep now, cos that took aaaaages to put together, up next...whatever comes to mind in the penultimate week.

ps. please sponsor us if you can!

jin x
10 days to go...

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