

day 17: onwards and eastwards

today i picked up my dad and sister en route to lands end and turned the corner to start heading east. cue cheesy photo:

a little bit of me feels like i'm on the home straight now. i'm not. no where near. but at least i'm going in the right direction now.

it was a slightly slower day. not the walking so much, but the stopping. for photos and plant identification and eating and drinking and breath catching and view appreciation. it was nice though, to take a bit more time again.

i also had a revelation in the way of evening walking. we stopped for some amazing pizzas at the cafe @ lamorna bay, and then carried on for just over an hour. it was so much cooler after tea, i think i'll be doing it again. i'm also considering a little bit of night hiking. next time the moon is full. not sure when that is though.

there was quite a bit of photo taking today. i won't be posting them all here. i'll leave you with my favourite one though. a carpet of spiders web covering the gorse:

jin x

absolutely no idea on today. i imagine i covered 16 to 17 miles today. about 14 of those with familial company. that should but the total to around 266 miles.

1 comment:

  1. love these pics: the cheesy one mirroring our postcard, which yes we received and yes oli loved it, he spotted the retouched sign with the distance to planet skaro! and love that carpet of spider webs! x
